Thursday, November 29, 2007


We had a great time in November! We are working hard at learning our letters! We are up to letter 'K' now! We played several different instruments this month. We made finger puppets. Nursery Rhymes have been a big hit this month again. I believe their favorite has been 'Three Little Kittens'. Today we started preparing for Christmas. We each made a baby Jesus in a manger out of dough. We talked about the star that led people to the manger where Jesus was born. We also talked about what it would be like if we were born in a stable instead of a hospital.

I look forward to another fun and exciting month with your children!

Colby Perkes is joining our Preschool!

We are excited to announce that Colby Perkes will be joining our class in January! We look forward to having another friend to learn and play with! We can't wait to get to know you better Colby!

Gavin will be missed!

We will miss Gavin! We sure did enjoy our time with Gavin Shepard! I know the children will miss his creative mind at free play time. I will also miss the things that he taught me. Just today he suggested that I pray to Heavenly Father (I lost one of Sam's cut out mittens.). He said that his mom prayed when she lost her keys. He said "Heavenly Father will help you find the mitten." Sure enough we found Sam's mitten. We will miss you Gavin! You can come and visit anytime.

Music Time!